Well, this has been a long time coming. I’ve put off writing this for several months, not really knowing whether it was time to speak, or how to say what I believe God is saying. Not that I haven’t tried. I’ve got half a dozen attempts at this post sitting on my hard drive. But I think it’s time to dive in at the deep end.
I feel again an incredible sense of urgency to get this out since what God is saying to me is both astonishing and, I have to say, terrifying. I have argued with him over it for several years, believing he was speaking but failing to see how it applied to today. I think, now, my blind eyes are slowly being healed.
Some of this I’ve alluded to previously – perhaps even stated. But I think I’ve danced around things a bit, not really sure how to express them; trying to ease people in gently, and also trying not to end up labelled with the crazies. But it’s too late for that. People already look at me sideways. So here we go.
(After the marathon which was my last post I’ve decided to try to keep the next few more manageable. So tomorrow I will begin a series of shorter letters which, as always, follow on from one another).
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