Category: Letters

Progressive Christianity

I don’t usually post other people’s stuff. But I think this is sufficiently important for people to hear that it’s worth me doing so. Like many Christians, I’ve watched with growing alarm the abandonment of what Paul refers to as “sound doctrine,” “deep truths,” and “godly teaching;” the reluctance to…

Social Justice or Just Justice?

I’m afraid we’re getting sidetracked. Not because justice isn’t central to who God is, but because we’re allowing the world to dictate what it means. And as we do the world’s work, good and all as it may be, we’re telling ourselves that this is the Kingdom.

Strong Delusion (Part 3)

Sexual immorality is a seducing idol that yokes us to deception.

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Strong Delusion (Part 2)

Part 2 of a Three-Part Introduction to Deception in the Church (part 1)   …because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion,so that they may believe the lie. 2 Th 2:10–11.   There’s a pattern in deception that I’ve alluded…

Strong Delusion (Part 1)

Ephraim is like a dove, Easily deceived and senseless. Hosea 7:11 Social Media Fail I made a terrible mistake. Under the tyranny that is social media it was an unforgivable blunder. And I was not forgiven. A few months ago I did something I’ve largely refrained from doing for years.…

The Fear of the Lord

Is it not because I have long been silent that you do not fear me? (Is.57.11) When God withdraws himself from us the result is one of two things: either our hunger for God intensifies, or we become ambivalent toward him. If ambivalence rather than hunger dominates then we become…

The Work of Grief: Suffering

In his book, Hopeful Imagination, Walter Brueggemann writes that only those who know how to grieve also know how to hope. “Suffering produces… hope” (Rom.5.3-5). It’s counter-intuitive and probably not a very exciting way to start a blog. People who haven’t suffered aren’t interested in hearing about it, and the…

A Sword [Part Two]

Like most boys with too much energy and a back yard, I grew up playing war games with my brothers. We had pellet guns that fired little yellow plastic balls, we had spud guns that shot bits of potato, we made blow darts out of old Bic pens and sewing…